Monday, 14 March 2016

Top Ten justified Reasons Why You Should Not Marry An Older Woman

What men tend not to digest or bear in mind is the fact that marriage is not an easy thing. It is a
lifelong commitment that you must abide to regardless anything. Marriage is always
characterized by happy and sad moments. However, chances on living on the happier side of
marriage are always rare especially when you make a wrong choice of spouse.
The truth is that age has never been a serious issue especially when the man is older than
the woman. However, a dangerous spark can be launched once you decide to marry a
woman older than you. 1-5 years older woman is okay to marry but any other age that
surpasses the bracket can be something totally different. Innumerable true stories have been
heard whereby men who marry older womenend up losing their union and living a hell life.
Here are 10 reasons why you should refrain from marrying an older woman:


10. Jealousy

Well, it is only normal that married spouses get jealous at one point or the other. However,
there comes a time when jealousy is no longer termed normal. One thing you will realize about
older women is that they always feel insecure. They always consider their young husbands
single and readily available. They always raise an alarm when there is no need for one. This
means that you will always argue even when you know so well that you are only committed to


9. Mom Role

There is a difference between becoming a spouse and becoming a parent. This is something
that every man should never ignore. One thing that emanates from marrying someone who is
twenty years older than you is that they will always be moms to you as opposed to wives. I do
not dispute that women should play a mom role. However, there is an extreme that you
certainly should not pass. If you mustavoid being lectured like a kid, then you should avoid
marrying someone older than you.

She Naturally Ages Faster Than You

8. She Naturally Ages Faster Than You

There is nothing as great as living with a partner with whom you are aging at the same rate.
This is because such couples always appear a perfect match. On the other hand, marrying an
older woman means that she is definitely going to age before you even do. Things even get
worse in cases where the woman is like twenty years older than a man. It will come a time
when your wife will literary turn into a granny when you are still vibrant and full of life.


7. Fun limitation

It is important to understand that getting married does not mean that you should
keep off fun things you used to do. Well, to some extent you are supposed to drop
funny behaviors but never deprive yourself the fun air you used to breath. After all,
life is all about fun. However, marrying a woman older than you do can to some extent
deny you the fun you were used to.
Note that once you get married, it means that you are supposed to do everything in
union since you are one. This may however prove impossible due to age difference.
It is just out of place for a 30 year old man to invite a 60 year old wife for a night

Embarrassing Comments

6. Embarrassing Comments

It actually does not matter whether or not it is your right to marry the person of
your own choice. Of course it does not in any way, right? However, some comments
you will be getting from your friends regarding the older woman you got married to
are just degrading. Everyone have their freedom of speech hence they can decide to
comment on anything as they wish. The truth is that the highestpercentage of
comments you will get out of marrying an older woman are just disgusting and more
so embarrassing.


5. Who To Wear The Panties

Normally, the man is always regarded the head of the family. However, the contrary
can be the case once you decide to get married to someone older than you. An older
woman will always want to appear superior even when they actually know that they
are not. In most cases, men are left not knowing what to do hence opt to wear the
panties instead. It is just unbelievable!

She Might Consider You immature

4. She Might Consider You immature

It is only normal that women consider maturity as a spice to their marriage. In fact,
it is very easy for a woman to be disgusted and even leave marriage when they
realize that their men are nowhere close to maturity. If you are lucky and your wife
does not leave you, you might not escape being treated like a toddler. Needless to say,
cases have been reported where men are physically assaulted while others even lose
their lives for being under an older woman for a wife.

Awkward Intimacy Moments

3. Awkward Intimacy Moments

No matter how much people tend to snub its importance, intimacy is always
paramount in a marriage. It is in fact one of the reasons why women and men get
married. Intimacy is always the best source of satisfaction in marriages hence must
remain active for both spouses. This is to ensure a mutual benefit between the two
involved parties. Dating an older woman means that she will approach menopause
when you are still vibrant and sexually active.

Conflicting Life Experiences

2. Conflicting Life Experiences

Although every person has his or her own life experience, in marriage there has to
be some blending and matching. The greatest mistake of marrying someone older than
you is that they always tend to be more experienced. Such women therefore consider
their long exposure in life as a weapon of degrading their young husbands. To evade
this kind of embarrassment, then you must learn a lot of things in life. To some point,
intellectual and academic knowledge can work ideally for you.

The Woman Will Realize Otherwise

1. The Woman Will Realize Otherwise

No matter how long you live in a relationship with an older woman, there will come
a time when she will realize that she has been dating a boy all this time. This is so
especially when the woman tends to embrace advice from other people outside your
marriage. You can be assured that once she realizes that you are a minor to her, the
next thing will be divorce. This is actually one of the most common issues that hit
such marriages.

The post Top Ten justified Reasons Why You Should Not Marry An Older Woman appeared first on Top Ten Stuffs.


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