Sunday, 13 March 2016

Top 10 Of Bible’s Biggest Mysteries

Regardless if you have read the Bible or not, you should know that even if you will
read it, you won’t be able to have a clear view upon Christianity, our origins and
eventually understand everything about Creation. This is because there are many
meanings that are kept away from us and even if you know about Turis Babel or
Noah’s Ark, the intricate meaning of these biblical events still eludes the experts.


10. Holy Grail

According to the bible, the Holy Grail is the cup that Jesus used and drank from
during the Last Supper and many experts nowadays believe that it holds magical
powers. In the last few centuries many battles have been fought place in order to
subjugate states and countries that were thought to have the Holy Grail, but in the
end it was never found. Even Hitler was said to be looking for it, but until present
day, it seems that no one has ever been able to locate this mysterious chalice.


9. Ark Of The Covenant

According to the Quran, the Ark of the Covenant is the single most important treasure
of the Israelis, since it holds the sacred objects that God himself has created through
Moses on Mt. Sinai. The Ark is said to be made of pure gold and it measures seventy
inches in width and height and is one hundred and eighteen inches in length. The
chest is also said to hold the tablets with the Ten Commandments and also a pot of
manna that comes directly from Heaven.

Sodom And Gomorrah

8. Sodom And Gomorrah

Sodom and Gomorrah were, according to the Bible, two of the filthiest and most
sinful places on Earth and because God could not tolerate the despicable things that
were happening in these 2 cities (most had to do with carnal pleasure, such as
homosexuality, incest and so forth) He decided that the best way to cleanse them of
sin is through fire. Therefore, He rained meteorites on the cities, killing every single
person living in them. However, no one knows today where the 2 cities were
basically located.

Garden of Eden

7. Garden Of Eden

Many people believe that the Garden of Eden is somewhere in God’s Kingdom, but
some experts believe that the place was actually located on Earth. In Genesis, it is
mentioned that the Garden of Eden is basically between the rivers Euphrates and
Tigris in N. Mesopotamia, but no one is sure if it is in the Persian Gulf, Africa or Iraq.
While the Garden’s location is still unknown, Ethiopia is mentioned as being
surrounded by or being near the Garden of Eden in chapter two, verse thirteen of

bible code

6. Bible Code

It has been confirmed by experts that there is a secret code in the Bible that once
cracked, it will allow them to foresee events that will happen up to a few thousand
years into the future. This secret code was basically discovered in the Old Testament
in the Bible’s original version that was written in Hebrew. The discovery was made
by one of the leading experts in group theory that underlines quantum
physics, doctor Eliyahu Rips. In nineteen ninety four, Israel’s Prime
Minister received a letter fromJewish mathematician telling him that he will soon
die, but he refused to believe it. A few days later, he was shot by a man who said he
was given a divine mission that he absolutely had to accomplish.

Lost Tribes

5. Lost Tribes

In the 8th century, the Assyrians have left Israel’s Lost Tribes, but no one knows
where they went. Between seven hundred and twenty one and seven hundred and
twenty two BC, the 10 tribes that basically made up Israel’s N. Kingdom completely
disappeared and have not been seen or heard of ever since. Years later though, Jacob
had twelve sons and each of them soon became the father of Israel’s 12 tribes.
According to some sources, the descendents of these tribes may have been found in
the Arabian Peninsula or in Persia, but there is still not enough evidence in this

Pharaoh Exodus

4. Pharaoh Exodus

This Pharaoh is the one that ruled over ancient Egypt during the Exodus, but no one
knows for sure who he actually was. In the Book of Exodus, it is often spoken about
the enslavement of the Children of Israel in Egypt, the plagues sent by God and the
Red Sea’s Crossing, however, there is no name given to the Pharaoh in the story.
Therefore, amongst those who believe that the Exodus was a real event, the name of
the pharaoh is a subject of great debate, with some of them believing it was
Ramesses The Great.


3. Noah’s Ark

There have been countless expeditions considered with the sole purpose of learning
more about what happened to Noah’s Ark and if it indeed existed, but there is not
yet any evidence in this regard. However, recently, it seems that a group of Turkish
and Chinese people claim to have found the Ark somewhere inMt. Ararat. They said
to have collected pieces of an ark that they have carbon tested and discovered they
date from forty eight hundred years ago. While the experts said they’re not one
hundred percent sure about this, they are almost certain they belong to Noah’s Ark.

Serpent Tempting

2. Serpent Tempting

One of the most controversial scenes in the Bible is when the serpent tempts
Eve into eating from the Forbidden Tree, but by the description offered in the Bible
on how the snake looked, it seems that snakes back then were pretty different from
the ones we know of nowadays. It is believed that the serpent had wings and could
also crawl, but there are still many theories that go back and forth on this, creating
more confusion.

Escape Of Cain

1. Escape Of Cain

The biggest mystery in the Bible has to do with Cain’s escape. It seems that asides
from Eve, Adam, Able and Cain there were other people on Earth, so who actually
created them? After Abel was killed by Cain, God put a mark on him so that he and
his kin would be punished sevenfold for his crime. Therefore,Cain went on living
away from God and he lived at East of Eden. There is where his wife gave birth to
Enoch and he was born Irad. Because at that time there were only 4 people on Earth,
it is kind of confusing as to why God said “Whoever kills Cain shall be punished
sevenfold”. Some people believe God was referring to animals and our primordial
parents, but some think he was referring to other humans.
And there you have it, our top 10 list of the biggest mysteries of the Bible. If you
know of other mysteries you would have wanted included in this list, don’t hesitate
to let us know about them in the comment section below.

The post Top 10 Of Bible’s Biggest Mysteries appeared first on Top Ten Stuffs.


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