Contrary to what some people assume, eating disorders are caused by a number of factors
other than simply the desire to be thin. There are behavioral, psychological, social and
emotional aspects that trigger people to try to lose more weight than they should. To make
things worse, extreme dieting can impact these individuals not only physically, but the effect
may become even more damaging to their relationships with others. It is quite common that
people who suffer from such disorder feel isolated and rejected by the society – even if that is
not how it is like in reality. The following are among the top 10 causes of eating disorders and a
brief explanation of each.
10. Stress
There are instances when people feel too stressed out from work or studies, so they tend to
neglect their eating habits. Instead of consuming the right food items their body needs, they
end up skipping meals just to accomplish their tasks or meet deadlines. Unfortunately, once
their body has become accustomed to this new habit, they may have a difficult time reversing
the situation.
9. Unsuccessful Relationships
When depression hits people, it is only natural for them to dwell in their misery and lose the
desire to eat. The worst happens among those who have troubled relationships, particularly
individuals who are in a problematic marriage or nursing a broken heart. Instead of accepting
the situation, they try to punish themselves either by overeating or not eating at all. This can be
a challenging problem to address since they have formulated a solid idea that their poor eating
habit is the only way to help them overcome their sadness about their failed relationships.
8. Biological Aspects
According to researchers, some people are naturally more susceptible to eating disorders, as
compared with others. For instance, there are some who have come from a family with
parents, siblings or relatives with a history of eating disorders. Based on analysis by these
researchers, there is a genetic link that causes the disorder to be passed on from one
generation to the next. However, this is only one possible cause of the disorder, and it may be
combined with several other emotional or physical triggers.
7. Disturbed Eating Pattern
Some people suffer from a disordered or disturbed eating habit, which can be an indicator of a
disorder. These people may suddenly adopt a habit of skipping breakfast or other meals,
obsession in counting calories, fascination with spending too much time at the gym, or
eliminating certain foods from their diet. Initially, they tell themselves that these things are for
the greater good, although it ends up impacting their life negatively. They may suffer from
social impairment, physical ailments and psychological issues that can be difficult to resolve on
their own.
6. Desire To Be Perfect
A number of individuals set strict standards to themselves, and they do their best to
meet these even when they are bound to suffer negative consequences from these.
For people who are used to being the first in everything (in school, at work, in the
society), they can never settle for anything less. Hence, there is always a burning
desire to sculpt their body into an image that they believe is perfection at its finest.
As a result, they adopt an eating pattern and restrictive exercise routine that causes
damages to every aspect of their life.
5. Curiosity About Dieting
It all begins with a sense of curiosity about what dieting can do for them, and
suddenly they find themselves incapable of undoing the habit because the habit is
already deep into their system. In fact, it all starts with curiosity until the habit
becomes an addiction. Sadly, without proper support, the condition may worsen since
they lack the knowledge about changing things back the way they were before the
disorder impacted their life.
4. Media
Whether it is on TV, online, or the magazine, it appears that everyone is fascinated
about being thin. It appears that the culture puts more emphasis on how being thin is an
asset, and that being overweight is synonymous to ugliness. Teens, in particular,
pick up this notion. Thus, they strive to look just like those fashion models or
celebrities who are gaunt and “flawless” by putting themselves in a starvation diet.
The irony, though, is that they can never be too thin enough since that’s what eating
disorders cause people – the notion that no matter what they do, their efforts will
never suffice.
3. Previous Encounters With Bullies Targeting Their Body Shape
As though being overweight is not enough, there are people who add insult to injury
by teasing those who have a less-than-perfect weight or size. Out of pressure from
people, they may feel forced to lose weight until they end up going too deep into the
problem that it may be too difficult to overcome without professional help.
2. Lack Of Self-Esteem
When people lack a positive concept of themselves, it can be too easy for them to
disregard what they have and try to be someone that they are not. It is only a matter
of time before they find themselves caught up into an unhealthy eating pattern,
which they believe can be the only way for them to regain confidence. Initially, they
may feel a sense of pride once they lose weight and look much better than before.
However, when they continue with this habit, the problem worsens until they can
hardly recognize who they are.
1. Poor Control Of Their Life
There are individuals who believe that they barely have any control of their life, so
they simply let most things take over including the eating disorder. Their lack of
commitment to solve their personal issues has caused them to succumb to the
disorder even when they are aware that it is not doing them any good. Unless
someone takes the initiative to make them realize what they are causing
themselves, that should be the only time that they can slowly overcome the eating
disorder and regain control of every aspect of their life.
Do you, or anyone you know, have gone through any eating disorders? What did
you do to overcome it and live a healthier life? Please share your thoughts and
recommendations that can help those who are struggling with eating disorders and
regaining their self-esteem.
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