It is a known fact that the construction industry has sky-rocketed over the past few years, and
that we are building at a faster pace than ever before – this happens both in the developed
countries and in those who are developing. Even though the construction industry is on the
rise, making a name for yourself in this field is anything but easy – even so, some people have
managed to stand out from the crowd, and here you will find the top ten billionaires from
10. Gilbert Chagoury And Family
Gilbert Chagoury is the co-founder of the Chagoury Group, one of the most popular Nigerian
conglomerates. The Chagoury group deals with health care, construction as well as
manufacturing and real-estate. At the same time, the Chagoury Group has also bought two
five-star hotels and the estimated fortune of Gilbert Chagouryand family is somewhere over
$4 million, placing them amongst the world’s mostreputable billionaires in the construction
9. Onsi Sawiris
Born in 1930, Onsi Sawiris is a popular and respected Egyptian businessman who has an
estimated fortune of approximately $2 billion, as Forbes stated back in 2013. He is the head of
the Sawiris Family and he is better known as the founder of the Orascom conglomerate, which
includes companies in various fields from tourism and communication to technology and
construction. At the time being, theconstruction companies are amongst the most successful
ones and the entire conglomerate is run by Onsi Sawiris’s three sons.
8. Luis Del Rivero
When it comes to self-made billionaires in the construction industry, Luis Del Rivero is
certainly one of them – with an estimated net worth of over $1 billion,Luis Del Rivero has
made a name for himself in Spain in the engineering and construction industries. Now he is the
chairman of the Sacyr Vallehermoso, a Spanish construction company.
7. Nassef Sawiris
Nassef Sawiris is the youngest one of Onsi Sawiris’s three sons, and he is the head of the
Orascom Construction Industries which is known to be amongst the largest ones in North
Africa. With an estimated net worth of over $5 billion, Nassef Sawirisalso serves as
the director of a French cement giant known as Lafarge, a company that will be represented at
the Dubai International Financial Exchange.
5. Yelena Baturina
Born in 1963, Yelena Baturina is regarded as the richest woman in Russia, as well as
the only woman to make more than one billion dollars in this country. Also known
as the founder of Inteco (a very popular construction company), Yelena
Baturinaowns a hotel chain and she has also founded a cultural and philanthropic
foundation known as “Be Open”.
4. Thomas Schmidheiny
Born in 1945, Thomas Schmidheiny is a popular Swiss entrepreneur whom the
Forbes magazine listed as the fourth riches person in Switzerland two years ago.
With an estimated net worth of over $5 million, Thomas Schmidheiny was initially
the leader of a company that was founded by his grand-uncle at the beginning of the
20th century – a cement manufacturing company known as Holcim.
4. Grandhi Rao
Born in 1950, Grandhi Rao is a mechanical engineer and the founder of GMR group,
an infrastructure developer that is based in 1978. The GMR group has started to
operate back in 1978 and it now activates in no less than seven countries,
specializing in the development of a variety of different infrastructures, including
highways and airport sectors. The GMR group is most commonly known as the
builder of different world class national assets, and Grandhi Rao has an estimated net
worth of over $2.5 billion.
3. Martin Bouygues
Born in 1952, Martin Bouygues is the CEO of the French company Bouygues which was
previously founded by his father. Martin Bouygues has initially joined this French
company back in 1974 as a supervisor and then he has gradually worked his way to
the top, then founding the catalogue real estate business known as the Maison
Bouygues in 1978. Four years after that he was named the director of the Board of
Directors for the Bouygues company, and towards the end of the 1980s he became
the CEO of the Maison Bouygues and then the Vice-Chairman of the board.
2. Nasser Al-Kharafi And Family
Nasser Al-Kharafi and his family made a fortune in the construction industry in
Kuwait, and the Forbes magazine listed him and his family on the 77th place in the
top of the richest people in the world, back in 2010. Nasser Al-Kharafi was the
chairman of the MAK group which is very well-known in Kuwait – the group
activates in different industries, from banking and the food industry to the
manufacturing and construction industry. Throughout the years, Nasser Al-Kharafi
and family have developed projects across Europe and Africa.
1. Rafael Del Pino
Rafael Del Pino was one of the world’s richest people in the construction industry,
with an estimated net worth of over $8.5 billion back in 2007. Rafael Del Pino was
known as the founder of Ferrovial back in 1952 – this was initially a construction
company that has slowly become one of the largest building corporations in Spain.
After he resigned, the position of President of Ferrovial was taken by his son back in
2000. In addition to the company, Rafael Del Pino has also founded the Fundacion
Rafael Del Pino which aims to support future leaders in the industry. At the time
being, the company, the foundation as well as all the other businesses that belonged
to Rafael Del Pino are being managed by his family.
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